Isle of Man

The first day in the Isle of man is over and tired but happy from the day I had lived, I took the way back to Union Mills, a small village in which I would spend the night.


when you drive under such a moon…

you want time to freeze …

Next morning I woke up in a hurry (maybe I didn’t sleep at all from my excitement), got ready and was on the road again. Finally it was the day I would follow the route of the race !!! I can’t transform the tension I was feeling into computer digits as I had been waiting 15 years for this moment.
I just remember that at some moment, I “locked” my mind, put the map of the route on the bagster, went to the starting point at Glencrutchery Road and my wheels were finally rolling at the place were great riders had taken their chances.

I start to follow the route and the starting point is at the opposite side.

The podium.

My only spectator…

The moment I came out of Douglas I came across the institution in memory of Joey Dunlop, in which money is gathered for charity. You can find some rooms to let there during the period of the race.

One of the greatest riders of all time

Photos of the route:

Glen Hellen 1, just before the “famous”…

…Glen Hellen.

A closer look

Most of the corners are “blind”

A bench dedicated to a rider that lost his life in this corner
One of the dozens of monuments you can find along the route

Notice the pavement painted as a virage…

While I was looking for information about the island, I found out that at Kirk Michael there is a private motorcycle museum. Everyone said it would be closed during winter. Of course I had nothing to lose trying my luck. It can’t be possible not to find a small gap to see some light from the past decades. I am a motorcyclist at the end!

So it happened!

I went into the garden of the villa where the locals had told me the collection is located, left the motorcycle and just waited for someone to come. Shortly, I saw a nice gentleman around 60+, who was surprised when I informed him where I was coming from and how I long I would stay on the island. He left whatever he was doing and unveiled the collection to me, apologizing many times for the mess and for the fact that all the motorcycles were really close to each other! He explained to me that because it was winter they kept the motorcycles in the warehouse to keep them dry.
We went into the garage and he started explaining to me every story of each motorcycle!!!

Behind these doors a collection of 106 classic motorcycles is hidden…

Of course my camera was on fire :

They are all working so there is a small bawl for the dripping oil.

There is no fee as it is a private collection. They only have this box for whatever anyone wants to offer. The money is for the classic motorcycle club they have.

Coming from the 20s!!!!

The oldest motorcycle in the collection is a 1924 model. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to take proper photos as it was cornered.

Yes, it’s working!

Suspension coming from an older era, adjustable based on the rider’s weight. At the moment it’s set up for heavy riders. As you turn it to the right it gets more suitable for lighter riders.

Before the spoiled by the extremely usable modern motorcycles laugh, think that this is how all started. Before the modern, hydraulic and very expensive suspensions.

Tony East next to the motorcycle he is currently restoring.

Upon finishing my small tour in Mr. Tony’s garages, I discovered that I had spent one and a half hour admiring dreams and wishes from the past. Unfortunately I was off schedule but I didn’t care much.

Again on the road.

The turn at The Raven pub.

Look closer and you will see the painted mantel…

Before I reach Ramsey, a few kilometers from Douglas, I decided to turn left and go to Point of Ayre, the most northern point of the island.

The new lighthouse at the cape.

In the background, the old lighthouse with the horn to notify the ships in case of fog.

The majestic landscape made me dedicate a bit more time.

And after this break from the gorgeous route, it was time to get back on the road, under rain this time. It was about time to cross the most difficult part of the route, the mountain.
On the map , the route seems to be straight but in reality it has many sharp turns, of course without any visibility and wonderful view.
Note that most of the drivers were driving like crazy as there are no speed limits.

A few pictures as the rain was getting heavier while I was getting closer to the top. Thankfully it stopped upon my arrival at Douglas.

The Snaefell top (625m), from which you can see England, Scotland and Ireland if the sky is clear.


Back to Douglas for a calm walk before taking the ship back.
And it was then that I discovered that absorbed by the beauty of the route and the beautiful weekend I had spent, I had forgotten to visit the monument built in memory of Joey Dunlop. I didn’t care for other monuments I hadn’t visited. I cared only for the one about my childhood idol. I thought that I will come back and I wasn’t disappointed for my absence of mind. After all I had only two days so I couldn’t possibly see everything.

The theater

Another small trip had come to an end. But the images that filled my soul will stay deep inside me and will heat up my will to continue discovering the world.

Because in the end, it’s wonderful out there !

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11 years ago

Ωραίος έως ταξιδιώτης,περιηγητής,φωτογράφος! Το μπράβο είναι λίγο, καλούς δρόμους!!

11 years ago

Μπράβο ωραίο ταξίδι μας πήγες!

11 years ago

Όμορφες αναμνήσεις, με το καλό και στην επόμενη αφήγηση.

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