Translated by: John Agrafiotis
Here we will try to give you some information about some countries. It’s a bit difficult to keep this page up to date so if you can add or correct something or help in any way, we would be grateful.
As a beginning, let’s start with 10 general tips that mostly apply for the European countries, before we move on to analyze the particularities of each country:
1.In contrast to Greece you can forget the many traffic lights and the STOP signs. Go back to your books and remember the sign for giving priority (upside down red triangle in a yellow background)
2. Unlike Greece, those who move inside the roundabout have priority.
3.Pedestrians always have priority, especially on crossings.
4. If you want to salute a fellow biker coming from the opposite direction, lift a bit your left arm. If you see on your mirror some other biker overtaking you, lift a bit your left leg to salute him.
5. If some car moves to the side to help you overtake him, lift a bit your right leg as a thank you gesture.
6. Everybody follows the speed limits inside towns.
7. If you want to drive fast on national roads and you are not sure if there is a road block or a speed radar, follow the rhythm of the local drivers. If you see them drive fast, you can speed up also. But if most of them go slowly, you are strongly advised to do the same.
8. In case of a traffic jam, use the alarms to warn those following.
9.There are always parking places for motorcycles. Use them.
10.Highways with tolls are indicated by a sign with blue background, whereas a blue background indicates a regional road. This rule applies to all European countries beside France and Poland, where the blue background is used for highways with tolls and the green background for regional roads.
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